Your Investment Strategy, Our AI

We simplify complex data for you to invest with confidence.

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Optimize Your Workflow with CoFounder:
Streamline, Evaluate, Act


Filter Through Deal Noise

CoFounder AI analyzes, filters, and evaluates every deal, allowing you to prioritize your time and money.



Accelerate Due Diligence for Faster Decisions

CoFounder accelerates this process by providing rapid, AI-powered analyses, giving you the clarity to decide which meetings are worth your time. Our system ensures that your initial reviews are fast and grounded in comprehensive insights, propelling you towards informed decisions with agility.



Make Moves with Confidence

Decision paralysis and the fear of missing out on a golden opportunity can hinder an investor's decisiveness. In this phase, we equip you with the insights needed to move forward confidently. Whether it's scheduling meetings with founders, forwarding opportunities for further review, or initiating discussions, CoFounder ensures that your actions are not just timely but also informed and strategic.

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Personalized AI Evaluation

CoFounder's AI Evaluation System revolutionizes deal evaluations by adapting to each investor's unique preferences, including the option to integrate your own custom criteria. Leveraging a precise 0-10 scale, it fine-tunes with your strategy, ensuring your portfolio grows smarter and stronger with each investment.

AI Copilot Deal Memo

Easily create comprehensive summaries of startups with the Deal Memo feature, designed to auto-populate key insights from pitch decks using AI, and identify areas to request further information. This feature minimizes the hassle of back-and-forth communication, and reduces time spent manually populating tedious memos.



AI Powered Chat

Navigate the startup ecosystem with CoFounder's AI-Powered Chat, your instant conversational guide for deep dives into industry trends, startup viability, and company specifics. It effortlessly guides your exploration by leveraging suggested prompts, revealing critical information and enhancing your overall lens on an opportunity.

Connected to Your Inbox

Navigate your investment opportunities with unmatched ease. It's deal flow management, redefined for the modern investor, ensuring that every potential deal is captured and analyzed. Forward emails to seamlessly integrate them into your dashboard, and receive tailored insights directly in your inbox.



Streamlined Quick Actions

In the fast-paced world of investing, efficiency is key. CoFounder's quick action features allow you to request more information swiftly, share with your team or colleague, and categorize opportunities into ‘invested’, ‘interested,’ 'track' or 'pass'. Minimize the hassle of switching between services, making your investment process as streamlined as your decisions.

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